Lara Deutsch's and Phil Chiu's new album "Night Light" is now available on all streaming platforms!
Society, musical conventions, and tastes inevitably change and develop over time, but the shared human experiences that artists draw upon do not. The two overarching ideas that Lara Deutsch and Phil Chiu used as inspiration for this album are dreams and journeys. Dreamy music is often associated with relaxation and easy-listening — but don’t be fooled; this music has wickedly fast and thrilling sounds that capture the chaotic nature of dreams as well!
Named one of 2020’s Rising Stars by BBC Music Magazine, flutist Lara Deutsch is a versatile soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral player known for her engaging warmth and ability to connect with audiences. Recipient of the $125,000 Prix Goyer for collaborative artists in 2019-2020, she is happiest when performing chamber music with her favourite musical partners.
Described in La Presse as “a pianist-painter who transforms each musical idea into a beautiful array of colours,” Philip Chiu is acclaimed for his brilliant pianism, sensitive listening, and a presence that eschews the hermit-pianist image in favour of openness, authenticity, and connection.
Download/stream the album here.