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  • Dorothée Jourdain

Video Phase presents Lumens VR at Rythmopolis in Montreal

Updated: Jun 4, 2021

The public exhibit Rythmopolis Area – Le son à l'interface Homme/Machine on September 6, 7, and 8 offers a multi-sensory and immersive experience at the Place des Festivals in Montreal. The percussion ensemble Video Phase will presents virtual reality clips from their show Lumens.

Rythmopolis is an urban, spectacular, and innovative creation conceived for percussion lovers and techies alike.

A true integration of music and digital art, the exhibit will immerse you in the heart of the city rhythm through nine scenes conceived by nine up and coming Canadian composers.

While the public is transported by the vibrations of these works played by thirty percussion players, the fountains of the Place des Festivals will be synchronized with the projections which react to the live music in real time.

Lumens VR, presented by Video Phase, creates and explores a new artistic genre based on performance, immersion and video interactivity. Lumens creates links between music and light, blending these elements into a single object. Lumens plays constantly with the concept of illusion between real and virtual objects - but the border between these two states is sometimes blurred. Music is created in real-time, animating the visual landscape like a video game.

RYTHMOPOLIS AREA - le son à l'interface Homme/Machine
Dates: September 6-8
Time: 12h00 to 20h00
Place: Salle Custeau (Gesù)
1200 Rue de Bleury, Montreal, QC H3B 3J3
Free entry

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