“Hear [the Duo Kalysta] if you can, either in concert or this way.”
— Gorman, American Record Guide
May-June 2020 (about the recording Origins)
“Deutsch, a player who can soften or strengthen her handsome tone according to need, is very much in the first chair.”
— Arthur Kaptainis, La Scena Musicale
February 2020
"Deutsch revealed new worlds of colour and meaning in every single note ... an astonishing artist"
— Scott Tresham, Senior Producer at CBC Music
“Hear [the Duo Kalysta] if you can, either in concert or this way.”
— Gorman, American Record Guide
May-June 2020 (about the recording Origins)
“Deutsch, a player who can soften or strengthen her handsome tone according to need, is very much in the first chair.”
— Arthur Kaptainis, La Scena Musicale
February 2020
"Deutsch revealed new worlds of colour and meaning in every single note ... an astonishing artist"
— Scott Tresham, Senior Producer at CBC Music
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Programmes and Projects
About Mark Fewer
Known for his exceptional versatility, violinist Mark Fewer has been described as “genre-bending” (National Post), “intrepid” (Globe and Mail), “profound” (The WholeNote) and “freaky good” (The Gazette). Formerly concertmaster of the Vancouver Symphony and violinist with the St Lawrence String Quartet, he is a Juno and Prix Opus winner, a popular host of CBC’s This is My Music, and is the subject of an episode of People Uncut on the Biography Channel.
Mark Fewer leads programs with orchestras as violin soloist and conductor simultaneously, featuring a dizzying range of repertoire. Whether he is following Vivaldi's Four Seasons with one of his signature arrangements of jazz standards for violin solo with orchestra, or conducting a Mozart symphony from the concertmaster position, Mark Fewer delights audiences with his expert musicianship and ease in all genres. Notable performances as conductor/soloist include engagements with I Musici of Montreal, Ottawa's Thirteen Strings, and the Guelph Symphony Orchestra.
Since October 2018, Mark Fewer is the Artistic Director of Stratford Summer Music.
Reconnu pour sa polyvalence exceptionnelle, le violoniste Mark Fewer a été décrit comme un «innovateur» (National Post), «intrépide» (Globe and Mail), «profond» (The WholeNote) et «follement bon» (The Gazette). Ayant été auparavant violon solo du Vancouver Symphony et St. Lawrence String Quartet, il est lauréat des prix Juno et Opus. Il est un animateur populaire de This is My Music sur CBC et fait l'objet d'un épisode de People Uncut sur Biography Channel.
Mark Fewer dirige des programmes avec orchestres simultanément en tant que soliste et chef d'orchestre, présentant une gamme vertigineuse de répertoire. Qu'il dirige les Quatre Saisons de Vivaldi qu’il a arrangé pour violon solo et orchestre avec des standards jazz emblématiques, ou qu'il dirige une symphonie de Mozart depuis le poste de premier violon, Mark Fewer ravit le public par son talent, son expertise musicale et sa facilité dans tous les genres. Parmi ses performances notables en tant que chef d'orchestre et soliste, on note celles avec I Musici de Montréal, Thirteen Strings d'Ottawa et l'Orchestre symphonique de Guelph.
Depuis octobre 2018, Mark Fewer occupe le poste de directeur artistique à Stratford Summer Music.
“Fewer’s leadership style is distinctly forward thinking.”
— The Vancouver Sun
“You could hear jaws dropping in the audience.”
— The Halifax Chronicle Herald
“The intrepid Fewer played with a mix of classical accuracy and fiddler’s flair.”
— The Toronto Globe and Mail
“Le style de leadership de Fewer est nettement d’avant-garde.”
— The Vancouver Sun
“Dans la salle, vous pouviez entendre les mâchoires se décrocher d’étonnement.”
— The Halifax Chronicle Herald
“L’intrépide Fewer a joué avec un mélange de justesse classique et de talent de violoneux.”
— The Toronto Globe and Mail
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Programmes and Projects
with Hank Knox