“Hear [the Duo Kalysta] if you can, either in concert or this way.”
— Gorman, American Record Guide
May-June 2020 (about the recording Origins)
“Deutsch, a player who can soften or strengthen her handsome tone according to need, is very much in the first chair.”
— Arthur Kaptainis, La Scena Musicale
February 2020
"Deutsch revealed new worlds of colour and meaning in every single note ... an astonishing artist"
— Scott Tresham, Senior Producer at CBC Music
“Hear [the Duo Kalysta] if you can, either in concert or this way.”
— Gorman, American Record Guide
May-June 2020 (about the recording Origins)
“Deutsch, a player who can soften or strengthen her handsome tone according to need, is very much in the first chair.”
— Arthur Kaptainis, La Scena Musicale
February 2020
"Deutsch revealed new worlds of colour and meaning in every single note ... an astonishing artist"
— Scott Tresham, Senior Producer at CBC Music
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Programmes and Projects
Flûte Passion: Claude Bolling
Tribute to Claude Bolling
A flute virtuoso who brings together two worlds: classical and jazz
with Nadia Labrie and jazz
piano trio
Nadia Labrie, flute
Jonathan Turgeon, piano
Dominic Girard, doublebass
Bernard Riche, drums
Hugo Larenas, guitar (guest on Picnic Suite)

About Flûte Passion
Flutist Nadia Labrie presents her brand new project Flûte passion: Hommage à Claude Bolling. Claude Bolling, the first composer to combine classical music and jazz, recorded the Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio with flutist Jean-Pierre Rampal, which became a worldwide success. At the beginning of the 80s, two other suites, Picnic Suite and Suite No. 2 for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio, were released to the delight of all.
In this concert, flutist Nadia Labrie will perform the most beautiful movements of the three suites with finesse, sensitivity and virtuosity. She will be accompanied by Jonathan Turgeon on piano, Dominic Girard on double bass, Bernard Riche on drums and Sébastien Dufour on guitar (Picnic Suite). This concert is a tribute to Claude Bolling, who died on 29 December 2020 in France. In 2024 and 2025, Nadia will release three albums of Claude Bolling's complete works for flute and piano jazz trio on the ATMA Classique label.
La flûtiste Nadia Labrie vous présente son tout nouveau projet Flûte passion : Hommage à Claude Bolling. Premier compositeur mariant la musique classique et le jazz, Claude Bolling enregistre avec le flûtiste Jean-Pierre Rampal, la Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio qui remporta un succès planétaire. Au début des années 80, deux autres suites, Picnic Suite et la Suite N° 2 for Flûte and Jazz Piano Trio, verront le jour au grand bonheur de tous. Lors de ce concert, la flûtiste Nadia Labrie vous propose les plus beaux mouvements des trois suites, et ce, tout en finesse, sensibilité et virtuosité. Elle sera accompagnée de Jonathan Turgeon au piano, Dominic Girard à la contrebasse, Bernard Riche à la batterie et Sébastien Dufour à la guitare (Picnic Suite). Ce concert rend hommage à Claude Bolling qui s’est éteint le 29 décembre 2020 en France. En 2024 et 2025, Nadia sortira sur trois albums l’intégral des œuvres pour flûte et piano trio jazz de Claude Bolling sous étiquette ATMA Classique.
‘... The soothing, intimate and sometimes melancholy character associated with the composer's slow movements is very well rendered here by Nadia Labrie’.
— La Scena Musicale
‘‘ You'd think divine grace had manifested itself. Like an angel personified, Nadia Labrie brilliantly demonstrated that human beings can sometimes achieve perfection, and do so with the purest joy. Technically, few soloists can tackle such a demanding work. The result is flamboyant. [...] Applauded to the rafters, his tribute to Claude Bolling is destined for a long career on the international stage. ‘‘
— Le Radar, Nathalie Deraspe, August 2023
«... Le caractère apaisé, intime et parfois mélancolique associé aux mouvements lents du compositeur est ici très bien rendu par Nadia Labrie. »
— La Scena Musicale
« [...] on pourrait croire que la grâce divine s’est manifestée. Comme un ange personnifié, Nadia Labrie a démontré avec brio que l’humain peut parfois atteindre la perfection, et ce, dans la joie la plus pure. Techniquement, peu de solistes peuvent s’attaquer à une oeuvre aussi exigeante. Le résultat est flamboyant. [...] Applaudi à tout rompre, son hommage à Claude Bolling est voué à une longue carrière sur la scène internationale. »
— Le Radar, Nathalie Deraspe, août 2023
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Suites for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio